Page numbers refer to the Orenco Systems Inc. General Onsite Products Catalogue Supplement, available from Onsite Systems Inc.

Item No. Description Regular CAD
Page 4
FL12 Fiberglass Lid, 12INCH 49.79
FL12GTU Fiberglass Lid 12INCH w/Gasket; 2 Bolts 64.35
FL15 Fiberglass Lid, 15INCH, Slip 55.23
FL18 Fiberglass Basin Bottom, 18INCH 85.04
FL18G-4BU Fiberglass Lid 18INCH w/Gasket; 4 Bolts 85.04
FL24 Fiberglass Basin Bottom, 24INCH 120.61
FL24G-4BU Fiberglass Lid, 24INCH w/Neoprene Gasket 128.48
FL30 Fiberglass Basin Bottom, 30INCH 221.53
FL30G Fiberglass Lid, 30INCH w/Gasket 221.53
FL30G-B Fiberglass Lid, 30INCH Brown w/Gasket 235.41
FL48G Fiberglass Lid, 48INCH w/Gasket 1,640.57
RLA24 Riser Lid Adapter, 24INCH diameter 40.58
RLA30 Riser Lid Adapter, 30INCH Diameter 88.26
RRLAB RLA Lid Bolt; 5/16INCH x1 1/4INCH Thread cutting 1.43
RRLAB+W-KIT Bolt and Wrench Kit for RLA24 W 4 Screws 8.78
RRLB Lid Bolt; 5/16INCH x1 1/2INCH Thread cutting 1.68
RRLB+W-KIT Bolt and Wrench Kit for RRBC's w 2 screws 7.55
RRLW 3/16INCH Hex key to fit 5/16INCH dia 1.25
RRTAP 5/16-18 Tap 26.33
RRTLB Tamper Proof Lid Bolt 3.79
RRTLW Tamper Proof Lid Wrench 14.45
RULB-KIT Wrench with four screws for 18 - 24" lids 7.32
RU1824 PVC Access Riser, Ultra-Rib, 18INCH 117.36
RU1836 PVC Access Riser, Ultra-Rib, 18INCH 169.29
RU1848 PVC Access Riser, Ultra-Rib, 18INCH 219.19
RR2418 PVC Access Riser, 24INCH diameter UltraRib 169.52
RR2424 PVC Access Riser, 24INCH diameter Ultra Rib 217.85
RR2430 PVC Access Riser, 24INCH diameter Ultra Rib 266.22
RR2436 PVC Access Riser, 24INCH diameter Ultra Rib 314.55
RR3018 PVC Access Riser, 30INCH diameter Perma-Loc 193.29
RR3024 PVC Access Riser, 30INCH diameter Perma-Loc 254.76
RR0812 PVC access riser 8"diameter 12" High Pip 25.56
RR1224 PVC access riser 12"diameter 24" High Ultra Rib 56.91
RR1236 PVC Access riser 12" diameter 36" High Ultra Rib 79.14
RR1536 PVC Access riser 15" diameter 36" High Ultra Rib 106.93
GRI18 18INCH Grade Ring Insert 7.55
GRI21 21INCH Grade Ring Insert 54.21
GRI24 24INCH Grade Ring Insert 54.24
GRI30 30INCH Grade Ring Insert 84.70
GR2412 PVC Grade Ring, 24INCH diameter w 12" riser extension 175.16
GR3012 PVC Grade Ring, 30INCH diameter w 12" riser extension 200.53
GR3018 PVC Grade Ring, 30INCH diameter w 18" riser extension 257.41
GR3024 PVC Grade Ring, 30INCH diameter w 24" riser extension 296.54
OSI Onsite Systems Inc. 5798 Garden Street Duncan BC Ph: 250-748-8500
GR3030 PVC Grade Ring, 30INCH diameter w 30" riser extension 382.36
GR3036 PVC Grade Ring, 30INCH diameter w 36" riser extension 444.83
RG18 Riser Safety Grate, 18INCH 25.22
RG21 Riser Safety Grate, 21INCH 25.22
RG24 Riser Safety Grate, 24INCH 40.01
RG30 Riser Safety Grate, 30INCH 50.47
PRTA24 ABS Riser/Tank Adapter 24INCH Dia 49.48
PRTA30 ABS Riser/Tank Adapter 30INCH Dia 115.25
RRFTA 21INCH /24INCH Fiberglass Tank Adapter 112.49
RRFTA30 30INCH Fiberglass Tank Adapter 294.97
PRTA24BDKIT Bolt Down Kit, PRTA24 21.57
PRTA30BDKIT Bolt Down Kit, PRTA30 40.78
RRFTABDKIT Bolt Down Kit, RRFTA 24 28.58
RRFTA30BDKIT Bolt Down Kit, RRFTA30 43.46
FRTA30-FRP 30INCH Fiberglass Tank Adapter 187.84
RUBDKIT Bolt-down kit for Ultra-rib Pipe 40.58
PAGE 10-12
SB1-4 PVC Splice Box w 1 through 4 Cord Grips 88.04
SB5- SB6 PVC Splice Box w 5 or 6 Cord Grips 95.82
SBEX1 -4 PVC Splice Box w/ 1 through 4 Cord Grips 148.83
SBX-D Explosion-Proof Splice Box, Duplex 1,040.36
SBCS075 3/4INCH Conduit Seal KIt 62.59
SBCS100 1INCH Conduit Seal KIt 79.26
SBCG Splice Box Cord Grip, Nema 4X; 1/2' NPT 6.21
SBCGL SBCGL Splice Box Cord Grip, Nema 4X4,3/4" NPT 7.89
SBABRKING Aqua Blue/Red King Connector 1.88
PAGE 14-15
FTW0436-28 Biotube Filter, 4" X 36" Tall 134.61
FTS0436-28 Biotube Filter 4" X 36" Sch 40 159.51
FTW0444-36 Biotube Filter 4" X 44" Tall 134.61
FTS0444-36 4" diameter Biotube Filter 4" X 44" Sch 40 159.51
FTW0444-36A Biotube Filter, 4INCH Diameter; 3034 143.27
FTS0444-36A Biotube Filter, 4INCH diameter, Sch 40 with/float bracket 168.06
FTPW0444-36 Biotube Filter, 4INCH diameter, 3034 134.61
FTPS0444-36 Biotube Filter , 4INCH diameter, Sch 40 159.51
FT0822-14B-FSO 8" diameter Biotube Filter 316.12
FT0822-14B Biotube Effluent Filter, 8INCH diam 302.10
FT0848-36 Biotube Filter, 8INCH Diameter 449.05
FT0848-36A Biotube Filter, 8INCH Diameter, w/float bracket 455.72
FT0854-36 Biotube Filter, 8INCH Diameter 469.05
FT0854-36A Biotube Filter, 8INCH Diameter, w/float bracket 477.95
FT0860-36 Biotube Filter, 8Inch Diameter 484.61
FT0866-36 Biotube Filter, 8Inch Diameter 500.18
FT1254-36 Biotube Filter, 12INCH Diameter 920.32
FT1254-36A Biotube Filter, 12INCH Diameter, w/float bracket 929.21
FT1254-36AR Biotube Filter, 12INCH Dia, w/ slide rail and float bracket 1,240.43
FT1266-36 Biotube Filter, 12Inch Diameter 951.44
FT1266-36R Biotube Filter, 12Inch Diameter w/slide rail 1,256.00
FT1554-36 Biotube Filter, 15INCH Diameter 1,100.39
FT1554-36A Biotube Filter, 15INCH Diameter, w/float bracket 1,111.50
FT1554-36AR Biotube Filter, 15INCH Dia, w/ slide rail and float bracket 1,424.94
FT1560-36 Biotube Filter, 15Inch Diameter 1,118.17
FT1560-36R Biotube Filter, 15Inch Diameter w/slide rail 1,431.61
FT1566-36 Biotube Filter, 15Inch Diameter 1,131.51
FT1566-36A Biotube Filter, 15Inch Diameter 1,138.18
OSI Onsite Systems Inc. 5798 Garden Street Duncan BC Ph: 250-748-8500
FT1566-36R Biotube Filter, 15Inch Diameter w/slide rail 1,444.96
FTB1824-0812 External Effluent Filter Basin, 18 Inch X 24" Tall 489.06
FTB1836-0812 External Effluent Filter Basin, 18 Inch X 36" Tall 549.08
FTI0418-W Biotube Jr. Insert Filter, 4INCH, for 3034 84.82
FTJS0418 Biotube Jr. Filter, 4INCH diameter,Sch 40 112.60
FTJS0418A Biotube Jr. Filter, 4INCH diameter,sch 40 with float bracket 120.81
FTJS0418M Biotube Jr. Filter, 4INCH diameter,with M 120.81
FTJS0418MA Biotube Jr. Filter, 4INCH diameter, with M and float bracket 128.59
MF1A-Y-5FTL Signal float w/collar; (Y); 5INCH Stem float for FT0822 59.02
PSA10-PS1RO ProSTEP A10 Pump Package; w/PF Series pump 2,930.66
PSA10-PS1ROETMCT ProStep Pump Package w/ S1,RO,ETM,CT 3,091.42
PSB30-PFS1ROETMCT ProSTEP B30 Pump Package,w/PF Series pump 3,342.59
PSB30-PS1RO ProSTEP B30 Pump Package; w/Pseries pump 2,908.65
MVP-S1PTRO MVP Simplex Panel, 115V 1,078.16
MVP-DAX1RO MVP Duplex Panel, 115V, w/RO 1,625.01
MVP-DAX1PTRO MVP Duplex Panel, 115V 1,625.01
Contact the office for other panel prices.
MF1A Signal float w/collar 59.01
MF1B On/Off Float w/collar 100.61
MF1T Mercury Float Assem, Normally Closed 59.02
MFCOLLAR1 ABS Adj. Float Collar, 1INCH 6.01
PBFB PVC Float Bracket 13.99
RRFB Float Bracket 34.68
Contact the office for more pricing
AMAHW Alarm Panel-115V, Raintight Enclosure 205.40
AMSGBA Single Gang Box Alarm 158.29
AMSENTI Alarm Panel-9V w/Xformer, Indoor Mount 106.25
AMSENTII Alarm Panel-9V w/Battery, Indoor Mount 106.25
AMSENTII-W Watertight Sentinel II Alarm 212.30
OSI204 Dosing Siphon/Vault Assembly 1,180.41
OSI208 Dosing Siphon/Vault Assembly 1,180.41
OSI210 Dosing Siphon/Vault Assembly 947.00
OSI212 Dosing Siphon/Vault Assembly 947.00
OSI214 Dosing Siphon/Vault Assembly 947.00
OSI310 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 633.56
OSI310B Dosing Siphon, 3INCH, w/MB300 715.81
OSI310BF Dosing Siphon, 3INCH, w/MB300 and Float 786.94
OSI312 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 633.56
OSI312B Dosing Siphon, 3INCH, w/MB300 715.81
OSI312BF Dosing Siphon, 3INCH, w/MB300 and Float 786.94
OSI316 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI318 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI320 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI324 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI330 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI336 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI342 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI348 Dosing Siphon, 3INCH 575.76
OSI Onsite Systems Inc. 5798 Garden Street Duncan BC Ph: 250-748-8500
OSI412 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 878.09
OSI412B Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 989.24
OSI412BF Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 and Float 1,062.59
OSI414 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 878.09
OSI414B Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 989.24
OSI414BF Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 and Float 1,062.59
OSI416 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 878.09
OSI416B Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 989.24
OSI416BF Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 and Float 1,062.59
OSI418 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 878.09
OSI418B Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 989.24
OSI418BF Dosing Siphon, 4INCH, w/MB400 and Float 1,062.59
OSI420 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 878.09
OSI424 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 675.79
OSI430 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 675.79
OSI436 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 675.79
OSI442 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 675.79
OSI448 Dosing Siphon, 4INCH 675.79
OSI618 Dosing Siphon, 6INCH 1,476.07
OSI624 Dosing Siphon, 6INCH 1,476.07
OSI830 Dosing Siphon, 8INCH 3,256.70
OSI836 Dosing Siphon, 8INCH 3,256.70
OSI842 Dosing Siphon, 8INCH 3,256.70
OSI848 Dosing Siphon, 8INCH 3,256.70
Contact the office for more pricing
AMDDC Digital Dose Counter, Raintight Enclosure 265.65
AMSSI Siphon Monitor, In-Tank, Raintight 320.57
AMSSII Siphon Monitor, Drain Field, Raintight 571.31
SCB0824 Catch Basin, 8INCH diameter, 24INCH 207.20
SCB0836 Catch Basin, 8INCH diameter, 36INCH 229.62
SCB1224 Catch Basin, 12INCH diameter, 24INCH 244.99
SCB1236 Catch Basin, 12INCH diameter, 36INCH 262.97
CF3 Carbon Filter w/Weather Cap, 3INCH 81.25
CFR3 Activated Carbon Refill-3INCH 12.68
CF4 Carbon Filter w/Weather Cap, 4INCH 138.71
CFR4 Activated Carbon Refill-4INCH 18.44
CFB3150 Bushing for CF3 to 1.5INCH Pipe 9.35
RUSJ Saw Jig; all diameter Ultra-Rib 302.56
RUSJ12 Saw Jig; 12INCH diam. Ultra-Rib 302.56
RK24-SAW GUIDE Saw Guide for KOR FLO Pipe - Fits Skil saw 255.50
RK30-SAW GUIDE Saw Guide for KOR FLO Pipe - Fits Skil saw 255.50
RK-ARBOR Arbor for RKHS Hole Saws 58.71
RKBC24 Bolt Catch for 24INCH diameter KOR FLO Pipe 0.74
RKBC30 Bolt Catch for 30INCH diameter KOR FLO pipe 0.74
RK-DRILL BIT 1/4INCH Drill Bit 7.98
RK-DRILL FIXTU Drill Fixture for 24INCH /30INCH KO 880.65
RKHS075 Spec. Order.75Inch Hole Saw w/ Cutter for ribbed pipe 137.71
RKHS100 1INCH Hole Saw w/Cutter for Ribbed pipe 160.28
RKHS125 1.25INCH Hole Saw w/Cutter for Ribbed pipe 160.28
RKHS150 1.5INCH Hole Saw w/Cutter for Ribbed pipe 203.86
RKHS200 2INCH Hole Saw w/Cutter for Ribbed pipe 242.76
RK-SAW BLADE 7-1/4INCH Carbide Saw Blade 134.81
RK-WIRE WHEEL Wire Wheel for KOR FLO Kit 28.22
OSI Onsite Systems Inc. 5798 Garden Street Duncan BC Ph: 250-748-8500
G1L 1 inch Grommet Loose 6.67
G2 2 inch grommet loose 14.45
G3L 3 inch grommet loose 19.35
G4L 4 inch grommet loose 19.35
G6L 6 inch grommet loose 67.35
SS-MK MANUAL G Manual Dispensing Gun 324.90
SS-MK GUN Pneumatic Despensing Gud 1,453.50
ADH100 Riser Adapter Adhesive 24.00
ADHP10 Epoxy, 1 Pint, ADHP10 41.24
ADHQ10 Epoxy, 1 Quart 10811 62.13
MA320 200 G epoxy kit 31.12
SS115 Methacrylate Adhesive, 870 107.02
SS115-case Methacrylate Adhesive, 879 case 920.55
OS075 Orifice Shield, 3/4INCH 2.85
OS100 Orifice Shield, 1INCH 2.85
OS125 Orifice Shield, 1 1/4INCH 2.85
OS150 Orifice Shield, 1 1/2INCH 3.11
OS200 Orifice Shield, 2INCH 3.11
BEP10DD EasyPak 10 GPM Pump Package with S1 1,509.20
BEP10DD-CW EasyPak 10 GPM Pump Package with S1; Cold Weather 1,518.20
BEP10TDD EasyPak 10 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO 1,762.20
BEP10TDD-CW EasyPak 10 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO; Cold Weather 1,771.00
BEP10TDD-DB EasyPak 10 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO; Drain Back 1,729.20
BEP30DD EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with S1 1,489.40
BEP30DD-CW EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with S1; Cold Weather 1,498.20
BEP30DD-DB EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with S1; Drain Back 1,456.40
BEP30DD-ETMCT EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with S1ETMCT & Internal Splice Box 1,581.80
BEP30DD-ETMCT-SBEX EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with S1ETMCT & SBEX 1,617.00
BEP30TDA EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with S1PT 1,656.60
BEP30TDD EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO 1,738.00
BEP30TDD-CW EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO; Cold Weather 1,749.00
BEP30TDD-DB EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO; Drain Back 1,707.20
BEP30TDDHTSA EasyPak 30 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTROHTSA 1,920.60
BEP50DD-CW EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with S1; Cold Weather 1,573.00
BEP50DD-DB EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with S1; Drain Back 1,522.40
BEP50DD-ETMCT EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with S1ETMCT 1,654.40
BEP50TDD EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO 1,810.60
BEP50TDD-CW EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO; Cold Weather 1,823.80
BEP50TDD-DB EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTRO; Drain Back 1,773.20
BEP50TDDHTSA EasyPak 50 GPM Pump Package with MVP-S1PTROHTSA 1,991.00